Seminar for Youth at Nunbatta Parish
One Day Seminar for the youth was conducted on 3rd of January in the parish. Fr Shailen Minj SJ was the Resource person for the Seminar. Fr Shailen with charming face, captured the youth towards the theme. The theme of the Seminar was “Know yourself and Set a Goal for your Life”.
The Seminar began with Lota Dak and Introduction. Frs Shailen SJ and Solomon SJ were happy to see so many youths gathered for the occasion and welcoming them. There were 58 youth gathered for the Seminar. The youth were happy to have Frs. Shailen Minj SJ and Thomas Solomon SJ. Fr Shailen SJ engaged them, with self introduction, thematic Dance, group sharing and interaction with one another.
Fr Solomon in his short talk shared his experience about the “Importance of our rights”. He told them to be vigilant the signs of the time and grab an opportunity as soon as possible. The seminar was concluded with the self Examination of Conscience. After the Examination of Conscience, each one was asked to share the feeling of the day. At the end of the day of Seminar Fr Ajit, thanked Fr Shailen SJ and Fr Solomon SJ and the youth for actively participated in the Seminar.
After the day of Seminar, on 4th January, Saturday, the Parish arranged the Picnic for the Youth. We were 45 youth and three priests, Fr Shailen Minj SJ, Fr Anthony Vernard SJ and I, Ajit SJ for the picnic. The youth showed the unity by giving their helping hand for each item. During the preparation all of them were busy something to the other. Some of them were bringing drinking water from one of the villages called Jugidih, some were busy cutting and chopping vegetable, Chicken and firewood. Finally, the picnic banquet was prepared by the youth themselves. I found the in the youth the attitude of the ants.
Fr Anthony Vernard joined us for the occasion. While the picnic banquet was getting ready, the youth were seated at the beautiful green grass, just at the river bank and Fr Antony Vernard SJ, unfolded his learning on the river bank and told the youth “To be vigilant today the things happing around”. While Fr Vernard was telling the youth, all felt the historical event of Jesus Christ teaching the people at the sea shore. Normally, the youth of this generation like to dance with the Bluetooth speaker, but on this day, the boys and girls made use of their talents. The traditional songs were sung and Tundak-Tamak was played for dancing.
Fr Ajit Hemrom SJ, Parish Priest, Nunbatta

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