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News and Events

August 22, 2020 / Latest News

JIVAN – August 2020

Fr. Adolfo Nicolás our former Superior General had much to say to the formees. In his letters he pointed out specifically what it means to be a Jesuit today. I would like to cull out three thoughts from his writings and interactions for our consideration:
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August 17, 2020 / Latest News

PWPN & EYM E Bulletin 2019-20

Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostlesh.ip of Prayer) is an ecclesial service of the Holy See ent usted to the Society of Jesus. Its Mission is to mobilize Christians through prayer and action for the challenges of
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August 12, 2020 / Latest News


We must change the content of our syllabi and teaching-learning pedagogy. There must be a stress on oneness of all human beings, respect for cultures, religions, ethnicities, and regional uniqueness. Interreligious and intercultural themes must be part of our education.
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August 7, 2020 / Latest News


We are told (by Jerome Nadal?) that Ignatius liked to be known as a pilgrim, rather than by any other title. That is really surprising; because a very good part of his life, he spent in Rome, looking after the organizational matters, including the writing of the Constitutions. Yet he preferred to be known as ‘pilgrim’ than other titles of Founder of the Society; Reformer etc.
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August 7, 2020 / Latest News

Jesuit Resource and Response Hub

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented waves of devastation across the globe. Apart from being a threat to lives, the lockdown that followed brought misery and despair to millions of people, especially the poor.
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August 7, 2020 / Latest News

Pandemic & Humanitarian crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has put governance of nations and international institutions to the test. Nations that have been able to contain the spread of the corona virus have only revealed the foresightedness of their leaders and the efficiency of their institutions of governance.
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August 6, 2020 / Latest News

The New Normal

The invisible virus that has devastated the entire world has made us realism how vulnerable and fragile we human beings are. This realization that we are no more Masters of this world has compelled us to review our way of thinking, relating and living.
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July 30, 2020 / Latest News

Untold Stories, Life-giving Narratives

“There are no migrants walking on the road”, Solicitor General (Govt. of India) Tushar Mehta submitted in the Supreme Court.Apparently the Supreme Court was satisfied...
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Who We Are

The Society of Jesus was founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola and his companions in 1540. With a global membership of more than 16,000 members, the Society operates through six Conferences spread across over 110 countries. Jesuits live and work in about 80 Provinces and Regions across the world. The Jesuit Conference of South Asia (JCSA), which has 22 Provinces, is one of the Conferences. It has its presence in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Afghanistan.

The JCSA has over 400 schools (urban and rural), about 60 higher education institutions (including the prestigious XLRIs, Loyola College and St. Xavier’s College). It has a network of over 100 social work centres. It also has research centres (Indian Social Institute—Delhi and Bengaluru), initiatives such as the inter-religious dialogue, empowering the marginalised through livelihood promotion, skilling the youth, supporting refugees and the displaced, helpline for migrants, etc.

The Jesuits in South Asia are aligned with the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs) of the Society of Jesus, and as a Conference it has  the following preferences:

a) Ensuring Quality Education;b) Promoting Ecology and Justice; c) Accompanying Youth; d) Fostering Peace and Reconciliation; and e) Promoting Renewal and Spirituality of Seeing God in All Things.

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What We Do

One Mission, Many Ministries: Responding to the Call of Christ the King

Jesuits are motivated by a deep, personal love of Jesus Christ and a “desire to imitate in some manner our Creator and Lord Jesus Christ … since he is the way which leads to life” (St Ignatius of Loyola). We seek to be “contemplatives in action” combining the service of faith with the promotion of justice, following the example of our founder, St Ignatius, who strove to “find God in all things.” We consider ourselves to be sent on mission with Jesus as companions consecrated for service under the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

Jesuits are best known in the fields of education (schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, theological faculties), intellectual research, and spiritual renewal. In South Asia ,Jesuits run schools, universities and parishes and engage in missionary work, social justice, inter-religious dialogue, and other ‘frontier’ ministries. Most importantly, we continue the tradition of providing retreats based on The Spiritual Exercises, the foundational work of St Ignatius.

The goal of the Jesuit mission is to be ever available for the greater universal good, desiring always the “magis”, that which is truly better “For the Greater Glory of God.” It is this availability for the Church’s universal mission that marks the Society of Jesus as an apostolic religious order.

The Universal Apostolic Preferences

There are four working fields to which the Society of Jesus will pay special attention and in which it will invest a significant portion of its various resources over the next few years.





Our Conference Secretariats




Our Regional Collaborators [Provinces]















Madhya Pradesh






Sri Lanka