SAAJNIssue 4 / Summer / MAY 2019.


South Asian Jesuits:
Cross-cultural Bridge Builders.


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South Asian Jesuits Assistance Seminar on “Intercultural for Reconciled Life and Mission.”

In the wake of ideologies promoting a narrow sectarian approach to social interaction, ‘we against them approach’, the need to emphasis the value of diversity, inclusion, appreciation and cross pollination between cultures. The Jesuits as an international body cannot but look upon intercultural as essential to its life and mission. Whether it is living harmoniously together in community with Jesuits from a variety of cultures to working in new cultural situations to allow the Gospel of Jesus to incarnate itself, there is need for a robust understanding and practice of intercultural.

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Solidarity with Sri Lankan People and Jesuits
The gruesome serial blasts that left 253 dead and more than 500 injured or psychologically scarred for life. Was the work of extremists out to shatter the amity between communities and rupture the fragile peace after a 30 year civil-ethnic war in Sri Lanka.To reach out to the people of this island nation and the our brother Jesuits, the Jesuits gathered at the South Asian Assembly in Pune, on 25-28 April, sent this statement of solidarity, praying for lasting peace.
Coffins are carried to a grave during the mass funeral at St. Sebastian Church on April 23.

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Global Ignatian Advocacy Networks Important tools for Jesuit Ministry
GIAN has been around for the past 12 years. The idea was mooted earlier but was given made into an advocacy platform at GC 35 (2008). In some places it has flourished and done appreciable work. In others the idea has still to take root. Utilizing the potential of this modern day tool from Jesuit ministry in its effort to bring about reconciliation in our world of stark inequalities & injustices, does take painstaking efforts. To capitalize on GIAN, the international network, we are part off, the coordinators of South Asia met to better understand and plan their strategy for the coming years.
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Lok Manch National Coordinating Structure undergoes a makeover. 
For a movement involving over a hundred independent entities at the grassroots level, spread out over the length and breadth of India the structure at the coordinating structure at national level was mighty small. All through Phase I of Lok Manch (2015-2018) the responsibility for coordinating and running the program rested principally on a few overworked personnel. In Phase II this has been remedied, whereby persons of high calibre and experience to strengthen the working of Lok Manch at the National level have been appointed.
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Genuine interreligious dialogue, requires not only good will but also good training. Such training undertaken for the young in school itself, will prepare the grounds for decades of peace. Education for peace must begin at the level of the school for it to percolate into the minds of the young. Once ingrained into them they will on growing up, become ambassadors of peace, who will question a divisive mind-set when they meet it in the real world.
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