Secretariat for School Education (CSSE)
The Conference Secretariat for Education (legal title: Jesuit Conference of India-Educational Section and later known as JEA) was constituted in 1961 with the aim of guiding and animating all Jesuit schools to be ‘schools with a difference’ through the Jesuit way of education in the context of a changing socio-political-cultural scenario in South Asia. All Jesuit schools of South Asia are members of the Secretariat. The Secretary works in close collaboration with the Province/Region Coordinators for Education (PCEs/RCEs) in order to animate Jesuit schools to a deeper understanding of the Jesuit vision in Education especially through the implementation of the Characteristics of Jesuit Education (1986), Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP – 1993), and 10 Global Identifiers of Jesuit Schools (2021). Every year the Province/Region Coordinators meet with the Secretary to review this apostolate and plan for the future. The Conference Secretary is the ex-officio National Coordinator of the Federation of Jesuit Alumni Associations of India (JAAI).
John Ravi, S.J (DEL)
Secretary, School Education Since April 2021)
Jesuit Residence,
225, Jor Bagh, New Delhi (110003)
Mobile : +91-9530025544/+91-9810445395