With a mission to redefine the purpose and create a new level of synergy, Jesuits and collaborators from different parts of Chhattisgarh, MP and also from ADO Delhi office, gathered at Xavier Institute of Social Action (XISA), Raipur. To accomplish this objective more than 15 Jesuits and partners came together to reinforce the vision of ‘Empowering and Making the Marginalized Sustainable’, for a two-day meeting from 10th to 11th Dec 2019. Fr. Provincial Rajnit chaired this meeting.
The meeting started with a sharing by each participant about the work done in the past, focusing on the present and way ahead in the coming future. During the discussion it was highlight about the partnership with Tata, WaterAid, state govt. etc.
Everyone felt the need of developing a system where responsibility and accountability can be defined in a better and systematic manner. Focus was given on developing a network within, which could support all the Social Centers, Academic Institutions and Research Bodies, around the province, to provide technical assistance.
In the two-day meet a need was felt also to strengthen the existing system and to accelerate the good work done with an aim to reach out to more people in need.
The meeting ended with a note, that in order to engage in the best way with the rest of the world Jesuits must meet regularly to reflect and course correction.

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