Prayer Methods
- Ignatian Meditation
- In Meditation one reads the Scripture passage like reading a love letter.
- One reads the text slowly, in a whisper or aloud, allowing the words to wash over oneself and savouring the words.
- Remain with the words that attract your special attention. Absorb those words the way a sponge absorbs water.
- Keep repeating, a phrase or a sentence. Always aware of the feelings that these words or phrase awaken.
- Ignatian Contemplation
- We insert ourselves into the mystery of the life of Christ as revealed in the text: ‘to see the persons, to observe, consider, what they are saying, to behold and consider what they are doing.’
Remember that the mystery is taking place here and now. So, be part of the mystery.
Contemplate what they are saying. Get affected by their words.
- Consider what they are doing. As you contemplate, constantly be aware what happens within you and draw fruit from it.
- Share with the Lord all that you go through at this moment. Listen to him. What is he telling you? What is your response? It is a prayer of the heart.
- Nam Japa (Recital of Name)
- Sit straight
- Eyes closed
- Breathe in and say the name of ‘Jesus’or any other favourite name/word.
- Breathe out and say ‘My Shepherd’or any other favourite name/word.
- Be aware of the flow of breath.
- As and when your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breathing.
- Mantra Meditation (Sacred word or phrase)
- Choose a Mantra
- Choose a word/sentence that represents something you want to develop in yourself
- Sound should be soothing. Repeat the word or sentence mentally.
- Mantra Repetition:
- The relaxation response can be evoked by sitting quietly with eyes closed for 30 minutes twice a day, and mentally repeating a simple word or sound such as “Jesus” or any other verse from the scripture that inspires you
Fr Arul Sivan, SJ
Sacred Heart College,
Shembaganur, Kodaikanal
Tamil Nadu