Reimagining and Restructuring: A way forward in Social Action Ministry (Ecology and Justice)
Reimagining and Restructuring of Social Action Apostolate in South Asia Conference of the Society of Jesus was organized by the Secretariat for Ecology and Justice on 02-03 September 2024 at Indian Social Institute, Bengaluru. South Asia Conference Province/Region Coordinators of Social Action, Coordinators of Global Ignatian Advocacy Networks (GIAN), JEMAI Coordinator Fr. Stanislaus Tirkey SJ, JYMSA Coordinator Fr. Vernard Antony SJ and five Jesuits from Indian Social Institute, Bengaluru, actively participated in this important deliberation. Fr. Xavier Soreng SJ, the Secretary for Ecology and Justice in his introduction welcomed the gathering and highlighted the importance of coming together to deliberate on `Reimagining and Restructuring Social Action Ministry in South Asia Conference of the Society of Jesus.’
Fr. Louis Prakash SJ, the resource person, led the group to reflect on the dynamics for Reimagining and Restructuring Social Action Ministry in South Asia Conference. His presentation on the status of Social Centres and Social Ministry in the Provinces/Regions led the group to know the strength and weakness of Social Action Ministry in SA Conference. He then he brought to the attention of the Demography and Resource: Challenges and Opportunities of Society of Jesus in South Asia and pointers of Reimagining and Restructuring of Society of Jesus in South Asia. He also presented the Pointers for Reimagining and Restructuring on the Social Action Ministry at the Province, Zonal and Conference levels which led the group into personal prayer, reflection, sharing and gathering of fruits.
Thanks to Fr. Louis Prakash SJ (PAT) for facilitating and accompanying the Social Action Coordinators and the Network coordinators in the journey of Reimagining and Restructuring Social Action Ministry in SA Conference. Big Thanks to Fr. Xavier Soreng SJ, who took all the initiatives in bringing all the coordinators of Ecology and Justice together and making this meeting a successful.
Reported by Fr. Vernard Antony SJ, JCSA Youth/Communications Coordinator