- Review is as important as prayer itself. It is during the review that I understand what happened during prayer, how God communicated to me and how I responded.
- Review helps me to notice my interior experiences rather than my ideas. It is a time to discern the movements of the spirit during the prayer hour.
- After the prayer is over, I change my position and do the review of the prayer. The following questions may help.
- What happened to me during prayer?
- How did God deal with me? How did I respond?
- What touched/affected me most during prayer?
- Did I receive the grace I asked for or did God bless with some other graces? What were my interior movements? Consolation or desolation.
- Was I faithful to the hour and persevering even in desolation? Did I find the posture conducive?
- Should I make a repetition of the same exercise?
The review is not a general description of the scripture passage nor is it a summary of the reflections on the passage. It is the account of inner experience expressed through feelings and affectivity. Hence the language of the review must be characterized by the language of affectivity such as I felt…. I experienced…..etc. The following structure will help:
- Mention the theme of the prayer
- Mention the scripture passage used for the prayer
- Mention the grace you asked for.
- Describe the experience in the first person using feeling verbs
Conclude the review with prayers of praise and gratitude; asking pardon for any negligence in disposing oneself and imploring God’s grace for the next hour of prayer.