Can a short man with a pronounced limp, almost unlettered and born in a hill country, become a person who set millions of hearts afire? Yes, he can. And the example is St Ignatius of Loyola.
The root word of the name Ignatius is ‘ignis’ meaning fire. Ignatius was indeed a fire and he kindled many other fires. Just see the galaxy of men he formed and sent as missionaries. .
The POSA had a series of online meetings with the Superiors, Directors of Works and the Conference Secretaries on 16 July,
In preparation for Conference Apostolic Planning, a three-day “Training of Trainers online workshop’ was conducted by Fr James Arjen Tete,
The ambiance at Satya Nilayam on the morning of 20th May was indeed great as we celebrated the Inaugural Mass of the Ignatian Year. In fact, the preparations for the momentous occasion were in full swing on the preceding couple of days.
Social Justice and Ecology
Secretariat (SJES, South Asia)
Anthony Dias, SJ
(Secretary of SJES, South Asia)
Conference level Ignatian
programs are part of JEA
India was one of the first countries to execute a national lockdown to contain the global pandemic COVID-19. However, the lockdown failed and within a few months, it is now on the list of countries most affected by the pandemic and its second wave. The pandemic has not only brought life to a standstill threatening the lives of millions across in the country, but also overwhelmed its healthcare system. According to the latest Government reports, the fatalities due to the pandemic pushed India’s death toll to 390,660 (Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India).