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News and Events

September 17, 2021 / Latest News


Darjeeling Jesuits' entire focus in August was to extend free vaccination drive to the villages and tea gardens where people were unable to access vaccines to protect themselves from Covid-19.
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September 10, 2021 / Latest News

GIAN Migration Report

The world shares and a history in motion. Its diversity is reflected in its countries, borders, and people. Nevertheless, it identifies common traits in the context of migration, reinforced in these times marked by the COVID-19 global pandemic. The pandemic has not stopped the world, situations such as Afghanistan or the earthquake in Haiti explain very clearly the close connection between the causes of injustice and forced migration.
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September 10, 2021 / Latest News

Fr Stan Swamy: A Maoist or a Martyr?

A book on octogenarian Jesuit priest and tribal rights activist Father Stan Swamy, who died in judicial custody in July, which aims to highlight he was a “law-abiding”, “peace-loving” and “truth-speaking citizen”, was released in New Delhi on Friday, 10 September 2021.
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August 29, 2021 / Latest News

JCSA Prepares Jesuits and Collaborators to be Ignatian Leaders

Ignati an Leadership Programme (ILP) is the brain child of Fr General. He delegated the responsibility of this programme to his delegate for Apostolic Planning, Fr Dardis and he conceptualized the programme.
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August 24, 2021 / Latest News

JIVAN: August 2021

Fr. Stan Swamy a Priest and a spectacular human rights defender.
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August 23, 2021 / Latest News


Paul Jackson, SJ: A Contemporary Christian Sufi - by Frs. Joseph Victor Edwin, SJ and Victor Lobo, SJ is a jewel of a book consisting of fond memories and memorable impressions of the great Christian Sufi as remembered and recounted by those who had known him intimately.
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August 18, 2021 / Latest News

SALAAM : April-July 2021

SALAAM is a Quarterly published by the Islamic Studies Association. This issue is dedicated to Blessed Charles de Foucauld.
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August 9, 2021 / Ignatian News, Latest News

Ignatian Year web page inauguration

Jesuit Conference of India/South Asia - Conference Development Office organized an online event for the inauguration of the web page launch of South Asia Ignatian Year on 8 August 2021 which was live streamed at JCSA YouTube Channel where around 500 people had participated which includes all the South Asia Province coordinators, Jesuit Collaborators, partners and friends.
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Our Vision

To reconcile: with God, one another and creation;
To reorient: mission priorities and governance structures

Our Mission

To re-launch: on the pathway to God, with the marginalized and the young, in our common home – the earth.

Who We Are

Jesuit Conference of South Asia (JCSA) represents the conference and the governing body of the conference.

It is one of six conferences of the Society of Jesus worldwide; one of the two conferences in Asia, the other being the Asia Pacific Conference (JCAP). The presence of the Jesuits in Asia began with the coming of St Francis Xavier, and two young companions, in the year 1542 to Goa.