JHEASA North Zone Conference
At St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata
07-08 October 2023
The Zonal Conference of the North Zone Jesuit Higher Educational Association of South Asia (JHEASA) was held at the St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata (SXUK) on 7-8 October 2023.
The theme of the Conference was `Artificial Intelligence (AI), the future of Higher Education and National Education Policy (NEP 2020): Challenges and Opportunities.’ Dr. Partha Pratim Chakraborty, a noted academician of IIT, Kharagpur, delivered the keynote address `Artificial Intelligence and its relevance in Higher Education.’
Rev. Dr. Fr. John Felix Raj, S.J., Vice-Chancellor, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata, spoke on the NEP and its challenges and opportunities. Fr. Raj said, “The change is necessary and crucial since it is keeping with emerging trends in global education. It encourages a holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to learning.” He further said, “NEP 2020 emphasizes on practical learning outcomes and skill development of the learners which are in high need in a changing global scenario.”
Resource person Dr. Saptarsi Goswami, Assistant Professor, University of Calcutta, very well handled the topic `Hands-on Demonstration of Generative AI tools for Teaching-Learning Process.’ Resource person Dr. Tapalina Bhattasalli, HOD, Information Technology, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, delivered her speech on `Hands-on Demonstration of Generative AI tools for Research, administrative works and business in higher education Institutes.’
Fr. Joe Arun, S.J., Director, LIBA, Chennai and Secretary of JHEASA, shared about the global perspective of Jesuit Education and the Importance of India’s participation at the global level. North Zone Coordinators found the sessions highly impressive and fruitful.