Rev Fr Provincial of Andhra Pradesh, in the month of November 2020, appointed a ‘Team of Jesuits and a few members of the Inigo Family’ as a ‘Coordinating Team’ for the IY500CC at the JCSA level. The following are members of Andhra Province IY Jubilee Committee:

Coordinator: Fr I S F Jeyaraj SJ
Members: Fr M V Amalanathan SJ
Fr P Balashowry SJ
Fr P Peter SJ
Fr P Vidyasagar SJ
Sr S I Maria Priyanthi, Provincial, Holy Cross of Chavanod, AP & TS.
Prof Sagaya Bhaskaran, Dept of Physics, ALC, Vijayawada

The year plan was prepared and submitted to the Provincial for his consideration. The plan includes both ‘Personal Renewal’ and ‘Sharing’ with others. They had an inauguration of the IY500CC with a Virtual Eucharistic Celebration on 22 May 2021 at 7 a.m. for the whole province men. Rev. Fr Provincial celebrated the mass and prayed for the province <> . During the year of Ignatian conversion, we felt the need to help out the poor physically and materially as well as through our prayer. So, a province wise Eucharistic Adoration was organized by the Province and conducted by the Jesuit Novices, Andhra Province. <> . The first recollection talk for the province for the first month of the Ignatian year was delivered by Fr ISF. Jeyaraj, SJ. It was circulated, along with a soft copy of the recollection video talk, to all the Superior of the communities to conduct the recollection according to their convenient date and timing. <> . Chapter I from Autobiography of St Ignatius, “Testament and Testimony” was circulated to all the Jesuits for their personal reading and reflection for the month. On the whole, the spiritual assistance for an individual Jesuit, community, and province level is going on well. Programmes for students and parish faithful are kept under lockdown.

isf. jeyaraj, sj.
Andhra Province