Migrant Facilitation and Information Network (MAIN) Central Hub Office located at Indian Social Institute, Delhi was inaugurated on 25th Feb 2021. On this occasion there were nearly 85 guests present and 166 people viewed online.
Dr. Jerome Stanislaus D’Souza, SJ, President of South Asia cut the ribbon.
Fr. Shin Kallungal, SJ, Assistant Director of MAIN gave a warm welcome to the audience and introduced all the guests.
The lightning of lamp was done by Dr. Jerome, President of South Asia, Fr. Shajumon Chakkalakkal,SJ, Socius, Fr. Martin Pudussery, SJ, GIAN Migration Co-ordinator, Dr. Antony Dias,SJ, Secretary, SJES, and Fr. Denzil Fernandes, SJ, Executive Director, Indian Social Institute, Delhi.
A hymn Be not afraid was led by Dr. Denzil and Fr. Stan, Socius to Pune Province followed by which prayer and blessing of the office was done by Dr. Paul D’Souza, Superior, Indian Social Institute, Delhi.
Dr. Joseph Xavier, SJ, Director, Indian Social Institute, Bengaluru launched the website of mainindia.org. He said, this website will demonstrate a dream, passion and commitment. The end that we are visualizing is, to see the migrants have food on their table, their children educated, then looking into their rights, entitlement, policies, law etc. This modal can be seen as a commitment to make a change in the lives of the people if we can align many different dimensions. If we can work on the economic development of the people then it would be the rational way of working to generate real vehicles to reach out to the migrants. This modal of MAIN is also to formulate and pass it on to the government as true citizens of the nation.
Dr. Siji Chacko, SJ, Director MAIN, gave an overview of the MAIN. He said, MAIN, India is a collaborative venture with partners and stakeholders like institutions, alumni’s, formation houses and provinces. The Distress Migrants are called to seek assistance from MAIN. The team at Central Hub would receive the calls and transfer it to the respective state hubs for further action to assist any distress migrants call. At present MAIN has envisaged for 12 states, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra, Telangana, Jharkhand, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, MP, Odisha, West Bengal, Goa and Delhi. He further added, MAIN is not just a concept but it is a commitment and vocation which we hope that the distress migrants would live with dignity by this frontier venture of MAIN.
Dr. Jerome Stanislaus D’Souza, SJ quoted, Elizabeth Brownie’s poem, “Earth is crammed with heaven and every common bush a flame with God, but only those who see take off their shoes, the rest sit round and pluck blackberries”. It is important to see one who sees, judges and acts. Jesuits also responded to the need of the hour during the time of pandemic and MAIN is the outcome of long study reflection, discernment and decision. The beauty of the formation team is that many participated in the discussion and fashioned it.
The program was live broadcast in the Jesuit Conference of India, YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/mKNKawMjVu4
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