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News and Events

January 14, 2022 / Latest News

DNC Times December 2021 Issue

The Church of today needs to see the footprints of the marginalized, the poor, and the downtrodden on the floor. Everyone should feel that the Church is not only the Temple of God but a welcoming home for those who are lonely, depressed, orphans, and souls, sad unto death.
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December 31, 2021 / Latest News

Open Forum discussion on plight, challenges, rights and privileges of migrant workers

The Open Forum, with the participation of migrant workers, organisations and individuals working among them, provided an opportunity to collectively reflect on what needs to be done to secure a life of dignity for the migrant workers, their children and families.
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December 23, 2021 / Latest News

Open Forum: Accompanying Distress Migrants

The event held on the International Migrants Day was an occasion for MAIN to reaffirm its commitment to the cause of Migrants in distress.
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December 20, 2021 / Latest News

Policy Response to Address Distress Migration Needed: Open Forum on International Migrants Day

The Open Forum, with the participation of migrant workers, organisations and individuals working among them, provided an opportunity to collectively reflect on what needs to be done to secure a life of dignity for the migrant workers.
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November 29, 2021 / Ignatian News, Latest News

IGNITE- the Ignatian Year Newsletter from JCSA

The IGNITE newsletter of Ignatian Year from JCSA is an attempt to give a glimpse of some of the programmes and inspirations from the Provinces and Regions of South Asia.
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November 26, 2021 / Latest News

Jesuit Global Network of Schools Released

On the 26 th November 2021, on the Feast Day of young St. John Berchmans (SJ) the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Rev. Fr. Arturo SOSA SJ releases the Jesuit Global Network of Schools. He will preside over the Eucharist at the Tomb of the Saint at St. Ignatius Church in Rome. Fr. Jose Mesa SJ, the Secretary of Jesuit Education will concelebrate Mass with Fr. General.
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November 17, 2021 / Latest News

PAXLUMINA – November 2021 Issue

This issue of Pax Lumina focuses on the world of the differently-abled. When this topic was mentioned, there were some eye-brows raised, politically correct ones for sure. The world of the differently-abled, according to those eyebrows, conjures up an image of a different, separate world for some of us who are less fortunate than those “abled” inhabiting the rest of the society.
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November 16, 2021 / Latest News

COP26: Optimism, caution, and hope

The legacy of COP26 is yet to be determined but mainstream media has already made its success contingent on the outcome of the negotiations between governments of countries that emit the most greenhouse gases. If this was what COP26 was all about, I would agree wholeheartedly with Greta Thunberg’s assessment that the whole thing is “a failure and a greenwash PR campaign.” There are, after all, 25 other COPs to attest to this.
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Who We Are

The Society of Jesus was founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola and his companions in 1540. With a global membership of more than 16,000 members, the Society operates through six Conferences spread across over 110 countries. Jesuits live and work in about 80 Provinces and Regions across the world. The Jesuit Conference of South Asia (JCSA), which has 22 Provinces, is one of the Conferences. It has its presence in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Afghanistan.

The JCSA has over 400 schools (urban and rural), about 60 higher education institutions (including the prestigious XLRIs, Loyola College and St. Xavier’s College). It has a network of over 100 social work centres. It also has research centres (Indian Social Institute—Delhi and Bengaluru), initiatives such as the inter-religious dialogue, empowering the marginalised through livelihood promotion, skilling the youth, supporting refugees and the displaced, helpline for migrants, etc.

The Jesuits in South Asia are aligned with the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs) of the Society of Jesus, and as a Conference it has  the following preferences:

a) Ensuring Quality Education;b) Promoting Ecology and Justice; c) Accompanying Youth; d) Fostering Peace and Reconciliation; and e) Promoting Renewal and Spirituality of Seeing God in All Things.

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What We Do

One Mission, Many Ministries: Responding to the Call of Christ the King

Jesuits are motivated by a deep, personal love of Jesus Christ and a “desire to imitate in some manner our Creator and Lord Jesus Christ … since he is the way which leads to life” (St Ignatius of Loyola). We seek to be “contemplatives in action” combining the service of faith with the promotion of justice, following the example of our founder, St Ignatius, who strove to “find God in all things.” We consider ourselves to be sent on mission with Jesus as companions consecrated for service under the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

Jesuits are best known in the fields of education (schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, theological faculties), intellectual research, and spiritual renewal. In South Asia ,Jesuits run schools, universities and parishes and engage in missionary work, social justice, inter-religious dialogue, and other ‘frontier’ ministries. Most importantly, we continue the tradition of providing retreats based on The Spiritual Exercises, the foundational work of St Ignatius.

The goal of the Jesuit mission is to be ever available for the greater universal good, desiring always the “magis”, that which is truly better “For the Greater Glory of God.” It is this availability for the Church’s universal mission that marks the Society of Jesus as an apostolic religious order.

The Universal Apostolic Preferences

There are four working fields to which the Society of Jesus will pay special attention and in which it will invest a significant portion of its various resources over the next few years.





Our Conference Secretariats




Our Regional Collaborators [Provinces]















Madhya Pradesh






Sri Lanka