Towards an Apostolic Platform: Ecology Workshop, South Asia Region
Date 21.02.2020 to 23.02.2020
Venue: Pastoral Centre, Nainad, Gujarat
A three day workshop on identifying the possible areas of work and the network possibilities on the identified areas on the lager concern of Ecology and Environment in the West Zone was organised at Nainad, Gujarat from 21st Feb to 23rd Feb. The workshop was facilitated by WendelD’Cruz SJ, PDD coordinator of West Zone, Ecology and Environment.
Objectives of the Workshop
- Mapping the existing ecological initiatives across the provinces and institutions in the western zone
- Identifying the networking possibilities from the existing initiatives in the western zone
- Formulation of action plans for the identified networks for promoting ecological action in the western zone
Jesuits, other catholic and non-Catholic collaborators and alumni networks across educational institutions, social actions centres and parish communities of the western zone deliberated on the ecological concern and ecological initiatives. The workshop was based on three phases according to the objectives, as below-
The first phase captured the zonal map of ecological initiatives across the nine strategic priorities on ecology and environment. The activity was done at the province level and the same has formed the basic frame for deliberations on other objectives.
The second phase of the program drew the inputs from the eco mapping exercises, the participants identified the following area as possible areas of networking on the ecological initiatives in the Western Zone on a priority basis
- Eco Awareness and Spirituality
- Agriculture Natural Resource Management and Bio Diversity
- Renewable Energy
The third phase of the workshop drew up the definite action plans for each of the identified networks in the western zone with goals, strategies, objectives and verifiable deliverables for each of the networks. This was followed by the province level planning at each province, where each network was deliberated. The role of the development office at the provincial level and the assistancy level was deliberated and it was observed that both the offices, other than resource mobilisation have a key role in networking and facilitating the process.

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