Hosted by St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) and St. Joseph’s College Higher Secondary School, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu from 17-19 January 2020 The 9 th National Congress of the Federation of Jesuit Alumni Associations of India (JAAI) commenced on the evening of 17th January 2020. Around 650 Jesuit Alumni delegates and more than 100 Reverend Jesuit Priests from different part of the globe assembled near the Aruppe Library, St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli to give a flying start to the 9th National Congress of JAAI. A ceremonial procession with college band in attendance started from Arrupe Library and reached the Jubilee Hall – where the plenary session was to takeoff. The National Congress was formally inaugurated by the Chief Guest – The Very Reverend Fr. George Pattery SJ – the Provincial of South Asia who blessed the occasion with a speech that indicated purpose and intent. In his address to the august gathering, he emphasized on the “Athma Santhushti” (Inner peace of Soul) by helping all the poor, irrespective of their nationality and other identities, with a profound sensibility of a global citizenship. The Guest of Honour – Mr. Alain Deneef, President, World Union of Jesuit Alumni/ae (WUJA) who came all the way from Belgium to attend his fourth National Congress of JAAI in succession. He heartily congratulated organizers of the congress for the successful organization of the National Congress with a huge number of Jesuit alumni delegates participating in it. He exhorted all to be faithful to the vision and the mission of the Jesuits and those of WUJA & JAAI. Prof. John Varghese, Principal, St. Stephen’s College, Delhi delivered the keynote address and highlighted the deft and efficacious handling of technology, which he termed as a double-edged sword, while using it for “Networking for a Harmonious world” – the theme for the National Congress. On this grand occasion, Reverend Fr. Danis Ponniah SJ, Provincial, Madurai Jesuit Province offered felicitations and elucidated the four Clarion calls of the Society of Jesus in the post general Congregation (GC 36) scenario as call to collaborate, call to network, call for discernment in common and call to reconciliation. Speaking on the occasion, Reverend Fr. Jebamalai Raja, SJ, Provincial, Jesuit Chennai Province, nudged all the alumni to plunge into immediate planning and action to check the rampant deterioration of human values in all walks of life in order to save the poor from all sorts of oppression. Reverend Fr. Leonard Fernando, S.J., Rector of St. Joseph’s Institutions, Mr. Naresh Gupta, Secretary, WUJA and Dr. Devendra Singh, President, JAAI welcomed all the delegates and guests. Reverend Fr. Leonardo Fernando SJ encouraged one and all to establish a network to safeguard the cardinal values of our Indian Constitution and to implement the Universal Apostolic preferences of showing the way to God, walking with youth, helping the poor and preserving our common home, our world. Reverend Fr. Swebert D’ Silva SJ, Province Coordinator for Alumni/ae, Karnataka Jesuit Province in his address emphasized the role of 4 Cs namely Competency, Compassion, Commitment and Conscience to start a vibrant global networking for Harmony in the world. The Director of St. Joseph’s Alumni Association, Reverend Fr. U. Godwin Rufus SJ reiterated His Holiness Pope Francis’s observation on sharing our resources, love, peace and joy in our families and in the world. Rev. Fr. Anbarasu Mariaraj SJ thanked all the dignitaries, guests, delegates, staffs and associates for their purposeful contributions and participation. He urged one and all to remove one’s ego of “I” consciousness to Network for a Harmonious world. The plenary session was followed by stupendous performance of an extravaganza of various Indian classical and folk dances, communicating spiritual, socialawareness, patriotic, human and Gospel values by Kalai Kaviri dance troupes. On day-2, i.e. 18th January 2020, the Session-1 was started with the Keynote Address by Hon’ble Justice K. Chandru (Retd.), High Court of Madras on “Judiciary and Networking

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