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News and Events

July 11, 2020 / Latest News

JIVAN – July 2020

The practice of ‘discernment in common’ or ‘community discernment’ would be taken much more seriously than it is nowadays, if the results of such discernments were always evaluated, at regular intervals, on the basis of a criterion given by St. Ignatius himself
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June 12, 2020 / Latest News

Post Pandemic Strategies for School Education

Guiding Directives 2020 IMPACT OF THE LOCKDOWN ON THE EDUCTATION SECTOR The global pandemic has taken a massive hit on all the sectors of the...
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June 12, 2020 / Latest News

Beyond the pandemic: believe everything or deny everything?

Mauricio López Oropeza It falls on all of us to ask how the extreme situation that we are living through can change us, individually and...
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Father Nicolas
May 20, 2020 / Latest News

RIP, Adolfo Nicolás, S.J. 30ᵗʰ Superior General of the Society of Jesus

Father Adolfo Nicolás was born on April 29, 1936 in Palencia, Spain. His parents were Adolfo Nicolás Rico and ModestaPachónThe political turpitudes of that time...
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May 11, 2020 / Latest News

Goodness Walked before us as a half-naked Fakir

“Kill us; we will become ghosts and write of your killings, with all the evidence.  You write jokes in court; We will write ‘justice’ on...
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May 11, 2020 / Latest News

Coping Apostolically With COVID-19

Pondering over the uncertain interval between two regimes of ancient Rome, Antonio Gramsci wrote from a Fascist prison in 1929, “The old world is dying...
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May 8, 2020 / Latest News


The mobile clinics run in collaboration with the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (SCN) and Sisters of Charity (SCCG) are a lifeline to the people...
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May 5, 2020 / Latest News


Fr. Arturo Sosa, SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus has appointed Rev. Fr. Jerome Stanislaus D'SOUZA, SJ as the new President of the...
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Our Vision

To reconcile: with God, one another and creation;
To reorient: mission priorities and governance structures

Our Mission

To re-launch: on the pathway to God, with the marginalized and the young, in our common home – the earth.

Who We Are

Jesuit Conference of South Asia (JCSA) represents the conference and the governing body of the conference.

It is one of six conferences of the Society of Jesus worldwide; one of the two conferences in Asia, the other being the Asia Pacific Conference (JCAP). The presence of the Jesuits in Asia began with the coming of St Francis Xavier, and two young companions, in the year 1542 to Goa.